Gangstagrass and Bluegrass Tunes (and a New Review)
I would suggest that you read Ria Greiff’s recent review for Now It’s Dark mag even if it wasn’t about Gangstagrass: It’s that well written. One part that I particularly loved was her description of the opening mini-set where the bluegrass musicians of Gangstagrass (myself included) perform some more traditional tunes:
One-half of the gang appeared on the stage — the grass section, performing a soulful tune, evocative of the Appalachian hardships many endured. Indeed, this genre was born out of traditional songs conjured by individuals and their struggles — their blues. Like so many other disenfranchised populations, music carried them into the future, inspiring them toward positive and forward thinking.
Photo by Scott Allan Greiff
When you think about combining bluegrass and hip-hop, you imagine that there are going to be two challenges: Introducing bluegrass to the hip-hop world, and introducing hip-hop to the bluegrass world. You might imagine that those two are going to be roughly equal challenges, but overall we (as Gangstagrass) do tend to get more pushback from bluegrass “purists” than hip-hop “purists.”
That partially has to do with the way that hip-hop works–you can hear a hip-hop track incorporating any and every genre of music. You hear MCs rapping over classical tracks, you hear DJs sampling pop, rock & roll, world music (which is, of course, a really strong influence), so to expect hip-hop artists to reject bluegrass is more than a little disingenuous. More often, we have to contend with fans who feel like we got rap in their bluegrass. So part of starting off a show with some more traditional bluegrass/country western/honky-tonk songs is because we love the music and it’s good music. Part is because it’s one of our strong influences. But another great thing about starting a show that way (which we don’t always do) is that, for some people, it can lead you into Gangstagrass by way of more traditional bluegrass.
Rench is a big fan of classic country musicians like Hank Williams and George Jones, and he also writes some of his own original music (outside of Gangstagrass) in the styles of those performers. So we might start with something like “Tonight the Bottle Let Me Down,” or “You Win Again.” He and I also found that we share a love for some of the brother duet songs from artists like the Louvin Brothers, so sometimes we’ll do “When I Stop Dreaming” or “Satan’s Jeweled Crown” and our new fiddler Melody Allegra Berger also knows a bunch of these songs and she might lead us with a fiddle tune or two at the beginning of a set.
But that’s not to say that we don’t also incorporate these songs into our regular Gangstagrass set list. Our dobro player Landry McMeans sings a great version of “Will the Circle Be Unbroken.” It’s always such a hit at shows and we enjoy playing it so much that we ended up including it as a secret bonus track on our 2014 album, Broken Hearts and Stolen Money. We really enjoy combining bluegrass and hip-hop, and we hope it is clear that we combine bluegrass and hip-hop because we truly love both styles of music.
3rd week on Billboard: Back up at #5!

Guys, it’s so validating. Thanks to all our fans.
Write Your Amazon Review Today!
And check out this great review and others from Gangstafans!
American Music
5.0 out of 5 stars: Only Getting Better!, April 20, 2015
By Dean WinkelspechtWith their fourth album, Gangstagrass is only getting better. American Music is an amazing mix of Bluegrass and Hip Hop. It works. The album is upbeat and showcases the artists’ talents. The album starts off strong with Pulling Everything with Me and the remake of Long Hard Times to Come. Dan Whitener’s You Can Never Go Home Again is a very strong offering from the band’s banjo player. Ain’t Going to Heaven When I Die is a fun song featuring fourteen different MCs. Nuts. The band really is something you need to experience. Having just saw them recently live, they are a fun group of guys and gals and this is their best album to date. Looking forward to the next!
Pics from our Jalopy show!
The pics where I’m wearing Rench’s guitar mark the DEBUT of my new bluegrass song “The Mountain and the Mine,” which I’ve been working on as part of a side personal project. Stay tuned!
Second week on the charts!
To celebrate our second week on the Billboard bluegrass charts, here’s a video of me rehearsing/recording some banjo for the album! (If I had known that 2200 people were gonna watch me in the studio I woulda put on more of a tight show!)
Check out this video from the American Music sessions! Here Dan "Danjo" Whitener lays down his famous banjo playing. …
Posted by Gangstagrass on Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Also, did you know there is a secret surprise when you buy the physical copy of American Music?
We’re on the charts!
Justified Wrap Party
As you can probably tell:
1) I now have Instagram. Check it out for tour pics and sometimes pictures of my cat.
2) Gangstagrass had an awesome time at the Justified wrap party. What a great group of people!
American Music is out!
You can be the proud owner of the latest installment in the Song of Bluegrass and Hip-Hop book series that the New York Times calls “better than Game of Thrones. Seriously, they come out with a new album more reliably than George Railroad Martin (his real name), and when they promise dragons, Gangstagrass delivers dragons.”
And indeed, there are dragons in our newest album. And political intrigue! And swords, and each of us has a pet wolf.
But I’m preaching to the choir! Y’all must have already preordered your copies, or stolen them from the warehouse in Harlan where we get them printed up, so you know exactly how many dragons there are or aren’t.
For the rest of you, though, there’s only one way to get your hands on the album people have been calling “the Iron Throne of Westeros” – well, I guess there are several ways, but this one works just fine. Click on it!
PS for the Bardians out there: This album features both Dan Whitener ’09 & Soul Khan ’07! On the same track, even!
Monkey Knife Fights
When I’m not performing with Dolio the Sleuth and R-Son the Voice of Reason in Gangstagrass, occasionally I get involved with their side projects… such as this one.
Fun fact: I recorded this guitar part at sixty miles an hour.