At time of posting, I am the proud owner of three banjos. I don’t believe in parting with instruments, and my girlfriend might not allow me to get any more, so let’s assume I still have exactly those three.
They are:
Deering Goodtime 2 (with maple fingerboard, not the rosewood as shown), my starter banjo
Stelling Crusader, my main banjo
Deering Crossfire, my electric
More to come on those.
Basic history: I picked up the Goodtime when I first started. A few years in, I found a used Crossfire at Picker’s Supply down in Fredericksburg VA ( and started experimenting with that. Finally, a few years ago I got the banjo that I consider to be “my” banjo, my “real” banjo, my “main” banjo, the Stelling Crusader.
Everything on this site comes from my experiences with these three instruments. While they have changed me, I have also changed them. I can generally recommend each banjo for its different applications, but I also came to them in my own way. If you want to buy some other banjo, just go do it. All banjos are banjos.
I will be talking about the modifications I have made to these instruments and how I did them.